February 7, 2010


Moving always sucks, but it sucks more when you are just exhausted and not really getting help. I am not really satisfied with the progress we are making but when its just me and Emma during the day its the best I can do for now.

I am packing and purging at the same time. I have been slacking on the normal house duties that I usually get done during the day. I am hoping after I drink my second cup of coffee I can get the second wind I need and finish clearing my craft area. Then I am going to get the kitchen clean and laundry finished for school this week for Lillian.

We will have power turn on at the new place tomorrow and I will have to call Timewarner about transfering our services. My plan is to be in the new place next week. That is my goal! Lets see if I can do it!

Lillian will still go to her school till after March 2nd. She has a play that day and has a line, she's been praticing it for a month now and do not want to take her out of the school till then. I will have to wake up early to get her to school but its a small price to pay to make my baby happy.

Matthew is still hunting for jobs, I wish he would be more helpful at home but I won't get into that. lol.

Here is pics of my messy house....so don't pick on me.

my beautiful hubby :D

Emma and Cage, with an overwhelming pile of mess on the floor from all over the house...i need big bulldozer...that would be great.

Boxes, going to attack the craft area in a minute.

the living room looking really bad...feel like sobbing lol.

Entertainment center cleared~

So this is my progress so far...Dont be harsh..


kiddomerriweather said...

Honey, I can't clean right now because of how shitty I feel, so the drive you exhibit amazes me. I'm glad that Lillian gets to stay in school until after her big performance! That's so important to a kid and it's good the school will allow her to still come, so won't once a child moves. If you need anything (non-moving wise of course) just let me know. I love you!

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about not getting the help you need with something like this. It was the same way with me when I moved and my house looked the same way when I was packing, so I'm thinking that is to be expected.
We've been done with our move for months now, but there are boxes that still need to be unpacked. I so hate moving, both Brian and I said the next time we move, we're paying somebody to do it for us! That means we will have the money for that luxury, hopefully. I hate it for you hun, but better you than me. Been there, done that, and didn't like it. LOL
Good luck with your move sweetie.

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