Hey there, My name that I will give you is Sugar, You can call me Sug. I am a Mother of two happy little girls. Lillian is five years old and Emma is 16 months old. I am currently married to a man that well I can give you the details of him later on. I am a stay at home mother or as i like to say a Domestic Engineer! :D Sounds professional don't it. lol.
I been bottling up a bunch of stuff over the last year and a half. My husband got home from overseas just a month ago. I dont really have anyone to talk to due to i just dont have time to have social life cause i want to be there for my children. So I figure a blog would do some good therapy
i been trying to finish my online degree but seems like when i want to work on it that is the time all chaos wants to break loose. Crazy huh?
I love crafty projects and in fact the degree i am currently trying to recieve is my small owner business degree. I want to start my own little store or online store. I think it will benifit me and my children. And it would be so fun!
But anyway that is just a bit of info of me. I will blog what is on my mind and I am not much of a grammer tech so dont count on me to always use spell check. Any who thanks for taking the time to read my blog.
Here are some pics of the girls and the hubby when we went to the park :D

I been bottling up a bunch of stuff over the last year and a half. My husband got home from overseas just a month ago. I dont really have anyone to talk to due to i just dont have time to have social life cause i want to be there for my children. So I figure a blog would do some good therapy
i been trying to finish my online degree but seems like when i want to work on it that is the time all chaos wants to break loose. Crazy huh?
I love crafty projects and in fact the degree i am currently trying to recieve is my small owner business degree. I want to start my own little store or online store. I think it will benifit me and my children. And it would be so fun!
But anyway that is just a bit of info of me. I will blog what is on my mind and I am not much of a grammer tech so dont count on me to always use spell check. Any who thanks for taking the time to read my blog.
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